Neptune’s Grotto in Alghero, a marvel of the Mediterranean Sea
February 21, 2014Neptune's Grotto in Alghero is considered one of the most fascinating tourist attractions in Sardinia and the Mediterranean Sea. Situated in the northwestern side of the promontory of Capo Caccia, it is about 4 km long, but the public can view only a few hundred meters (just 580 m). Inside this cave there are limestone conformations, as stalactites and stalagmites, and a salt lake over 120 feet in length, called Lamarmora Lake, in the center of which stands the monumental Stoup, a stalagmite column a couple of meters high.
Other points of certain suggestion in the Neptune’s Grotto are the Sala delle Rovine (Hall of Ruins), adorned with large stalactites, and the Sala della Reggia (Hall of the Palace), where you can see large calcite columns that rise to nine meters. From the Reggia you get to climb to the Smith Hall, named after the English captain who in early ‘800 began the exploration of the cavity, with the so-called Great Organ in the center, a huge and impressive column 49 meters high, the largest of these caves. Along the opposite wall, the ceiling becomes lower and you will enter the Sala delle Trine e dei Merletti (Hall of Trine and Lace), before ending the tour in the Tribuna della Musica (Forum of Music), a balcony that allows you to admire the Reggia and Lamarmora Lake.
There are two ways to reach the Neptune’s Grotto in Alghero: walking down by foot from the top of the promontory of Capo Caccia along the Escala del Cabirol (Goat's Steps), a panoramic stairway of 656 steps. Alternatively, by sea, leaving by boat from Alghero or, closer, from Cala Dragunara, and following a journey of about an hour along the cliffs of Punta Giglio and Capo Galera, passing near Punta del Capo Caccia and landing directly to the entrance of the caves.
You can visit Neptune's Grotto every day of the year at different times depending on the season:
From May to October: from 9AM to 7PM
From November to March: from 10AM to 3PM
In April: from 10AM to 6PM
The entrance ticket costs 13 € but there are reductions for children, groups and students. There are also companies that organize tours and excursions by boat. Of course, visits by boat are only possible in the event of a calm sea.
For information call this phone number: +39 079 979054