SPA for dogs in Brescia: opening hours and contact details
October 21, 2014All puppies living in the area of the "Italy’s Lioness" finally have their exclusive beauty farm: in September of 2014 was in fact inaugurated the first SPA for dogs of Brescia, by the Dog’s Sporting Academy association. This is a center where, in addition to dog training activities and recreational sports to play with your four-legged friends, you can also enjoy services related to rehabilitation services, grooming and wellness.
The activities carried out within the Dog's Sporting Academy refer to different key areas: first, there are the pool’s activities, which represents the most important ones and the very heart of the whole structure. The tub is very large, in order to accommodate both the subject in care and the worker, allowing them freedom of movement. Its dimensions are of 12 x 4.30 meters and it has a depth of about 1.25 meters; it also has a proper disinfection and filtering system, in order to guarantee maximum safety and hygiene for the dog and the worker. Among the activities held in the pool, there are rehabilitation services, hydrotherapy, swimming and diving with the dog, orientation to the discipline of saving lives and recreational swimming.
The Dog's Sporting Academy also carries out ground activities with courses in obedience, rally obedience, mobility dog and puppy class. These courses can be both individual and collective for puppies. The structure also offers a daycare service.
Finally, there are the activities related to the welfare and hygiene of the dog, including courses to learn how to maintain and care for their cleanliness. The Spa & Wellness service, in addition to normal grooming, provides special beauty treatments that are useful to take care of other issues as well. There is also a specific area where you can enjoy a spa with Jacuzzi and ozone therapy, which is highly recommended to fast healing.
The Dog’s Sporting Academy association is located in Brescia, via Rose di Sotto 10/A. You can access the pool every day from Mondays to Saturdays, but reservation is mandatory so, please, call 349.8127152. The times are always agreed with customers.